Get Started Running Plan Onboarding Fill out the below questions so we can build a custom, 4-week running, strength, and nutrition plan just for you. What's your name? What is your email? Choose your age range: 18-22 22-30 30-39 40-49 50+ What is your height? What is your weight? What are your running goals? (Check all that apply) Run your first race (5k, 10k, half, or full marathon) Increase mileage without injury Be able to run "x" miles without stopping Achieve a new personal record Run faster Tackle a new distance Develop healthier habits Manage stress/improve mood Feel better in your body Improve longevity Learn about female-specific training Are you training for a specific event? If so, which event? Please describe your current fitness - how many days per week do you run? What is your average distance and pace? Please list any injuries, medical conditions, or health concerns. Do you track your runs? (Garmin, Apple Watch, Strava, etc.) How many years have you been running? Do you do strength training? If so, what type? Do you incorporate cardio cross-training? (e.g., biking, swimming, elliptical) What other activities do you enjoy? What are your estimated paces? Easy pace: Tempo pace: Interval/speed pace: Any recent race results or time trials? How many days per week can you commit to training? What days are best for long runs? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday What days are best for rest days? (Select multiple) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday What time of day do you prefer to train? Morning Afternoon Evening Where do you prefer to train? Home Gym Outside No Preference Are you following a specific dietary pattern? None Vegetarian Fully Plant-Based Pescatarian Lactose-free Gluten-free Keto Are you pregnant or breastfeeding? No Breastfeeding Prefer not to answer How motivated are you to change your fitness routine? I’m 100% ready I’m pretty hopeful about it I’m a bit unsure I’m kinda taking it easy Please list any additional information relevant to your training. Submit